Australian Bowhunters

Association Ltd:
Northern Territory Branch

Overall Branch a provides the following:

  • Stan­dard­ised coaching via ABA accredited coaches
  • Safe­ty train­ing and archery practice
  • Lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance for all paid members
  • Club, Branch and Nation­al com­pa­ra­ble shoot results (Grad­ing)
  • ABA Nation­al or Branch com­pe­ti­tions to ensure like mind­ed archers all over Aus­tralia (and beyond) are able to meet up and hav­ing fun shoot­ing and exchang­ing knowl­edge and experiences.

Branch a Committee

The Branch Com­mit­tee mem­bers are vot­ed into their posi­tions by the ABA archery clubs dur­ing the Branch Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing (AGM) for a peri­od of two years:

Branch a Controller
Branch a Trea­sur­er

Amanda Shelton

E : dcbhsecretary@​ntarchery.​org.​au

P : 0402 677 683

Branch a Sec­re­tary

Debbie Barnes

E : branchasecretary@​ntarchery.​org.​au

P: 0417 064 905

Branch a Score Recorder

Branch a Field Representative 

Peter Bergin

Branch a Coach

Insurance & Accreditation

Pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance is an impor­tant part of the safe­ty-net with­in the archery sport. The ABA Ltd. pro­vides this insur­ance cov­er through their annu­al ABA Mem­ber­ship, just fol­low the link above. 

As a new archer, you will be pro­vid­ed with 3 pro­ba­tion­ary vis­its to come and try archery at any of the Branch A archery clubs. After that, club and ABA mem­ber­ship is manda­to­ry, which will offer you:

  • Access to archery club facil­i­ties and accred­it­ed coach­ing system
  • 6 Edi­tions of the ABA Archery Action Magazine per year
  • ABA cloth badge
  • ABA car sticker
  • Access to oth­er archery organ­i­sa­tions, like World Archery, Archery Alliance Aus­tralia, etc.
  • Com­pete in State and Nation­al archery competitions
  • Eth­i­cal Bowhunting

Gain­ing many archery friends all around Aus­tralia and beyond. For more infor­ma­tion about per­son­al lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance, club accred­i­ta­tion, coach accred­i­ta­tion, field archery, bowhunt­ing and more please vis­it the ABA Ltd web­site.

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