DCBH is locat­ed a short dri­ve south from the Alice Springs town towards the west­ern end of the Alice Springs Shoot­ing Com­plex with­in the Ilparpa Ranges.

Our club facil­i­ties con­sist of:
  • Large club house
  • Water flush­ing toi­let block
  • Bush show­er facilities
  • Exten­sive camp grounds
  • Spa­cious prac­tice range
  • 6 com­pe­ti­tion range

We shoot all forms of archery, from tra­di­tion­al archery up to the lat­est high tech com­pound bows and offer ‘Intro­duc­tion to Archery’

cours­es for new archers by accred­it­ed ABA coach­es. For dates, please check out our DCBH Shoot Calendar.

Shoot Disciplines

Pro­vid­ed at DCBH includes:

  • ABA Vinyl pic­ture targets
  • ABA 3 D (near live-size) ani­mal tar­gets made of rubber
  • IFAA* Field
  • IFAA Hunter
  • IFAA Ani­mal
  • FITA**
  • Aussie Field

*Inter­na­tion­al Field Archery Association

**Fédéra­tion Inter­na­tionale de Tir à l’Arc becomes World Archery

dcbh Shooting RAnges

Good stur­dy com­fort­able and enclosed footwear, sun­screen, hat and insect repel­lent (flies) and plen­ty of drink­ing water is required to safe­ly access each of these ranges.

Learning Archery

DCBH is pro­vid­ing ​‘Intro­duc­tion to Archery’ for any­body who is new and inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing in this sport. Book­ing is essen­tial

(via below email) to ensure a accred­it­ed coach is avail­able and cost is A$25 per per­son. Group book­ings can be arranged on request.

For  spe­cif­ic dates please check our DCBH Shoot Cal­en­dar. Please ensure, that you arrive on time at 09:30 to reg­is­ter and get equipped with archery gear, so we can start with the course at 10am.

Please don’t forget:

  1. Be on time
  2. Wear stur­dy and enclosed footwear
  3. Apply sun screen
  4. Bring a hat
  5. Fly repel­lent
  6. Water to drink — even in winter
  7. Cash only —    we DON’T have EFT­POS capability
Email for any bookings or inquiries - dcbhinquiry@ntarchery.org.au

Club Activities & Shoot Calendar

Here at Dead Cen­tre Bowhunters, we either shoot or prac­tice every Sun­day between Feb­ru­ary and Decem­ber. Our DCBH Shoot Cal­en­dar 2024 details all activ­i­ties through­out the year. 

Prac­tice & Coaching

Start with registration and equipment set-up at 9:30am. Introduction to Archery commences at 10am with a short safe­ty and  the­o­ret­i­cal brief of how to hold and shoot a bow cor­rect­ly with­out caus­ing you or oth­ers any harm or injury. Book­ing essential!

Organ­ised shoot on one of our many ranges

Alter­nate to either a prac­tice or 'Introduction to Archery' Sun­day, we set up an organ­ised shoot for all archers on one of our ranges depen­dent on weath­er and shoot dis­ci­pline. For details about what is on when, check our shoot cal­en­dar. Start­ing time in sum­mer is usu­al­ly at 7:30am and in win­ter 8am. Our Club Coach sends out week­ly reminder emails to all club mem­bers with start­ing time. So please ensure that you are on the mail­ing list and check your spam filters in case you don't receive your weekly reminders.

Our organ­ised shoots vary from fun club shoots up to for­mal ABA Grad­ing Shoots fol­low­ing the ABA Ltd. shoot rules. Grad­ing shoots occur approx­i­mate­ly once a month and in line with our sis­ter club in Dar­win, Freds Pass Field Archers, and all shoot results are sub­mit­ted to ABA Nation­al for offi­cial nation­al grad­ing by the Branch A Score Recorder.

On days with an organ­ised club or grad­ing shoot the Prac­tice Range is closed as per Nation­al ABA reg­u­la­tions and no coach­ing will be avail­able. This allows all club mem­bers to participate.

Peo­ple are invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in any club and grad­ing shoots but need to ful­fil the fol­low­ing requirements:

DCBH Shoot Calendar 2024 DCBH Club Rules DCBH Archery Equipment for Hire


If you are an archer trav­el­ling through Alice Springs and you are keen to shoot a few arrows, please come and join us, as long as you are a mem­ber of ABA Ltd. or anoth­er affil­i­at­ed Archery Asso­ci­a­tion, either: 

Out­side adver­tised shoot­ing com­pe­ti­tions the fol­low­ing charges apply:

  • $5 for use of prac­tice range or par­tak­ing in club shoot with own equipment
  • $25 for use of prac­tice range and club gear hire (Recurve only), includes a set of 5 arrows
  • Extra charges apply for bro­ken (unre­pairable) or lost (non-returned) equipment

For more infor­ma­tion, please look up our DCBH Club Rules.


Peo­ple inter­est­ed in archery have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­tic­i­pate in our sport for 3 vis­its. The Aus­tralian Bowhunt­ing Asso­ci­a­tions, is pro­vid­ing insur­ance cov­er and the club pro­vides coach­ing and equip­ment hire for A$25 per person/​per ses­sion. After­wards, full mem­ber­ship is manda­to­ry.

A full Archery Mem­ber­ship con­sists of:

  1. DCBH Club & Alice Springs Shooting Complex (ASSC) Membership
  2. ABA National Ltd. Membership

The Mem­ber­ship pro­vides you with:

  • inde­pen­dent access to the archery grounds at any time
  • lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance cov­er (ABA Inc.)
  • free coach­ing
  • expert advice on archery equipment 
  • sup­port and advise in bow set-up, main­te­nance and more …
  • par­tic­i­pa­tion in Intra- and Inter­state Archery competitions 
  • access to oth­er affil­i­at­ed Archery clubs around Aus­tralia and overseas
  • access to Gun Shoot­ing Clubs and much more …

DCBH & ASSC Mem­ber­ship cost per annum (1st July — 30th June)

  • $50 for Junior (under 18 years)
  • $200 for Adult
  • $300 for Family

Pro rata mem­ber­ship avail­able for new mem­bers join­ing through­out the year.

Mem­ber­ship pay­ment for DCBH & ASSC — Bendi­go Bank
  • BSB: 633 000
  • Account: 149 695 322
  • Account Name: Dead Cen­tre Bowhunters

Ref­er­ence YOUR SUR­NAME and DCBH on trans­ac­tion

ABA Mem­ber­ship (manda­to­ry)

12 months from the date of join­ing (reg­is­ter direct­ly with ABA Inc.)

  • $80 for Cub and Junior (under 18 years)
  • $106 for Adult
  • $218 for Family


Management Committee

Score Recorder
Range Master

Kai Hughes

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