New mem­bers are always wel­come, expe­ri­ence is not required.

Equip­ment and coach­ing is avail­able. Why not give it a go and enjoy the out­door bush set­tings with friend­ly peo­ple of all ages?

Our club house with show­er and toi­let facil­i­ty including practice range next to it.

Shoots are held fort­night­ly on Sun­day morn­ings, start­ing at 09:30 am. Shoot­ers are to be reg­is­tered by 09:00 am. The prac­tice range is open from 08:30 am to club mem­bers and reg­is­tered vis­i­tors only.

Shoot Types:

  • ABA Vinyl Picture Targets
  • 3D Rubber Animal Targets

Plan­ning to expand to:

  • FITA

Dress code:

  • Cov­ered, enclosed shoes MUST be worn
  • Please wear a belt to hold your arrow quiver
  • Clothes offer­ing sun pro­tec­tion are recommended
  • Flop­py hats are pre­ferred as peaked caps may inter­fere with your equipment. 
  • Cam­ou­flage cloth­ing is NOT per­mit­ted on the range, due to safe­ty reasons

Safe­ty must take prece­dence over ALL oth­er aspects of the sport.

CLUB Activities

Pro­vid­ing a fun and pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence in field archery.
Come down and say G’day!

FPFA are host­ing club or more com­pet­i­tive Grad­ing shoots fort­night­ly sub­ject to weath­er con­di­tions dur­ing our wet sea­son. Please check the FPFA Club Shoot Cal­en­dar for spe­cif­ic dates.

Coach­ing will also be avail­able on these dates by an accred­it­ed ABA Coach or Field Archery Instruc­tor (FAI). Please ensure you wear appro­pri­ate cloth­ing and sun pro­tec­tion including closed in shoes - see Dress code

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact FPFA directly.

Shoot Fees

For exist­ing members

  • Adults (18 years and above) $7.00
  • Cubs and Juniors (up to 17 years) $4.00

For new shooters

  • First two vis­its are free (not incl. equip­ment hire)

Equipment HirE

The club equip­ment can be hired for $6.00 per shoot. Addi­tion­al cost may incurred for lost arrows and bro­ken equip­ment. Equip­ment may dif­fer from picture.

Equip­ment hire is on first-in avail­abil­i­ty basis. It is strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed that, if you wish to con­tin­ue with field archery, you obtain your own equip­ment. It’s high­ly rec­om­mend­ed to speak to expe­ri­enced archers pri­or to buy­ing your own archery gear to ensure it is suit­able and safe for your own use.

Archery Com­pe­ti­tions

If ambi­tious or just want­i­ng to meet fel­low archers or even try your archery skills in a total­ly dif­fer­ent atmos­phere and location:

An annu­al NT Cham­pi­onship com­pe­ti­tion is host­ed either at FPFA in Dar­win or at DCBH in Alice Springs.  The 2024 NT Titles were held at FPFA in Dar­win dur­ing 11th-14th July.

upcoming events

Freds Pass Field Archers wel­come archers of all ages and expe­ri­ence lev­els to our shoots every sec­ond Sun­day.

Practice Range opens 8.30am

Reg­is­tra­tion clos­es at 9:00am for the 9:30am muster.


Management Committee

The FPFA Com­mit­tee are vot­ed into their posi­tions by club mem­bers dur­ing the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing (AGM) for a peri­od of two years:

Vice Pres­i­dent

Brad­ly Hawkless

P : 0431 535 274


Debbie Barnes


P : 0417 064 905


Mark Barnes

P: 0404 877 488

Score Recorder 

Deb­bie Barnes


P : 0417 064 905

Range Mas­ter 

Ben Espie

Club Coach 

Club Mea­sur­er 

Peter Bergin

ABA Club

Ben Espie

Club Membership

Probationary Membership

Our insur­ance pol­i­cy requires that you join the club after 2 shoots/​visits as a pro­ba­tion­ary member. 

A pro-rata fee applies if you join dur­ing the year. The first shoot of the year is also a year­ly nom­i­na­tion fee avail­able (this means pay­ing upfront for your week­ly shoot to save money). 

Annual Club Membership
  • $50 Adult (18 years and over)
  • $30 Cubs and Juniors (up to 17 years)
  • $90 Fam­i­ly (par­ents and chil­dren up to 17 years)

    Due each year in January/February

   Option­al year­ly nom­i­na­tion fee 

   (pre-pay fort­night­ly shoots)

  • $70 Adults
  • $40 Cubs and Juniors

ABA Mem­ber­ship

(12 months from the date of join­ing

  reg­is­ter direct­ly with ABA Inc.)

  • $80 for Cub and Junior (under 18 years)
  • $106 for Adult
  • $218 for Family

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